-cut and hung trim around doorways (downstairs bath, playroom, dining room, kids' bedrooms)
-caulked trim..filled in nail holes with wood putty..then sanded
-painted trim around doorways (downstairs bath, playroom)
-installed base boards in laundry room
-cut Juliet's closet doors down to the right size
-cut board for media center storage
-painted board for media center storage
-organized (for now) media center components
-cut boards for shelves in playroom
-painted boards for shelves
-hung the shelves
-built a raised garden bed
-purchased and mixed up soil components for organic vegetable garden
-sowed some seeds inside for later transplant into garden
-dug out grass and tilled the soil around avocado tree
-fertilized the avocado tree
-started the very ongoing process of organizing the garage (including clearing off the back porch, which was home to all of our tools and supplies!)
So that I don't leave without a single picture, here's a quick shot of the raised bed and all of the soil components, prior to our mixing them up. I've never gardened before, but I'm so excited to get started!
Wow! Sounds like you got a ton of stuff done. And I'm very impressed with your ambitious gardening project! Can't wait to see the results!